Thursday, March 11, 2010

Woo woo my friend and his sister are coming to visit!! I am going out of town for 2 nights, leaving my husband in charge! He can totally handle it. It is me that feels like crying. What if he doesn't dress her warm enough? What if he doesn't wake up if she cries? What if he forgets a diaper change and she gets a rash? Speaking of diapers, what if he washes them wrong? I have issues I guess.
Also, just between you and me, I have been secretly thinking about having another baby, and it doesn't make me want to join a band if traveling gypsies. Not right now of course, but maybe in a year or so? I look at all those tiny newborn diapers, hear stories of beautiful births and breastfeeding a new baby.... it all makes me nostalgic for the tiny baby days.
Anyway. This weekend in San Fransisco and Napa.... yes that will be fabulous.

Monday, February 22, 2010

long time no write

Haven't been on here in quite a while! My little baby has turned one, decided she no longer needs us and I suspect has plans of moving out soon. Well, except when she still breastfeeds at night and that whole pooping her pants thing....
I will be training to become a certified lactation educator in March and April and I am really excited about that. It just sort of fell into my lap, and I dont have to pay for it. Awesome. So look out boobies, I am coming atcha with some new knowledge. I have been pleasently surprised at how many of my friends who became mothers are breastfeeding. Like one said yesterday to me, you might hate it all day, but at 2am when all you have to do is whip out a boob, worth it.
