Monday, July 13, 2009


So we live in the offical sticks of CA. Like a literal Walnut orchard. Yes, I am allergic to walnuts and I understand the irony...
We like it out here because we can afford 2 acres, it is quiet and private, not a lot of traffic unless you get caught behind a tractor. We have some great friends with kids two houses down that are like family. I am home alone a lot with DH working out of town and I have finally convinced myself that nothing happens out here and I am safe!!
So I get a call from my neighbor after I got to work this morning and there was not ONE but TWO frikin SHOOTINGS!! IN THE COUNTRY!! One man was killed, the other just injured. It seems that people have a short fuse in the orchards. I think there may be about 20 houses within a one mile radius of me. That is a shooting at 10% of the houses near me. YIKES.
This tells me a few things about my neighborhood.
1. It is not a good idea to steal from these people. They are under the impression that theft is a capitol crime.
2. If anyone deserves to have rubber testicles hanging off of their f-350's it is said neighbors.

I am staying at my parents house until things calm down in the 'hood